
Under DeepLobe's Free plan, users cannot invite teammates to their workspace for model sharing and collaboration. However, those with the Growth or Enterprise plans can invite others, fostering teamwork and enabling the sharing of AI models. This functionality is especially useful for teams working on large-scale AI projects that require the collaboration of multiple participants.

If someone invites you to their workspace, you will receive an invitation email with a button to accept the collaboration request. Additionally, a notification bar will appear at the top of the dashboard page, allowing you to accept or reject the invitation. Once accepted, you will see a new workspace dropdown in the top section of the left menu, giving you access to the owner's workspace. Permissions granted by the workspace owner determine what actions you can perform, such as creating models, APIs, deleting models, or inviting other users.

The DeepLobe workspace provides users with a powerful and collaborative environment to manage their AI projects effectively. Whether creating models, APIs, or collaborating with teammates, the workspace streamlines these operations for a seamless experience.

The Growth and Enterprise plans provide users with the ability to invite collaborators to work together on their models. This collaborative feature allows teams to effectively collaborate, share models, and work on projects together. Let's explore how to invite collaborators to your workspace:

Accessing the Workspace

To begin inviting collaborators, click on your Avatar or profile photo located in the top right corner of the screen. A dropdown menu will appear. Select "Workspace" from the options. This action will take you to another screen dedicated to managing your workspace.

Adding Collaborators

Within the Workspace screen, you can invite collaborators to join your workspace by following these steps:

  1. Locate the "Add User" button and click on it.
  2. A dialogue box or input field will appear where you can enter the email IDs of the intended collaborators.
  3. Enter the email addresses of the collaborators you wish to invite, separating multiple addresses with commas or semicolons.
  4. After entering the email IDs, click on the "Invite" or "Send Invitation" button.

Invitation Process

Once you send the invitations, the collaborators will receive an email notification inviting them to join your workspace. The email will provide instructions and a link to accept the collaboration request.

Collaborator Access and Permissions

Collaborators who accept the invitation will gain access to your workspace, where they can collaborate on models, contribute to projects, and utilize the resources available. The specific permissions and access levels granted to collaborators will depend on the settings and permissions configured by the workspace owner.

Inviting collaborators allows for seamless collaboration and sharing of AI models, promoting teamwork and enhancing productivity in large-scale AI projects.

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